VOC采樣罐清洗系統研究與設計發表時間:2016-02-24 10:02 【作者】 付述龍; 【導師】 楊述斌 【作者基本信息】 武漢工程大學 , 控制工程, 2014, 碩士 【摘要】 近年來,我國隨著工業不斷發展,環境污染問題日益凸顯。揮發性有機化合物(VOC即Volatile Organic Compounds的簡稱)的廣泛惡劣影響是在PM2.5、SO2、NOx和氟利昂后成為世界各國關注的又一焦點。因為當前國內在VOC的采樣、實時在線監測、清洗方面發展相對國外而言制定相關政策不健全,重視程度低,技術發展較晚,相關產業滯后,這方面的產品更是一個空白。所以,開發產品,提高技術已成為一個至關重要的方面?,F在國內外監測VOC的方法普遍固定,都是將VOC采樣罐放在環保局、學校、各地環境監測站、進行常年定時監測,當采樣罐的VOC氣體裝滿時,就要及時的對采樣罐進行完整徹底的清洗,所以VOC清洗系統的出現具有重大意義。VOC采樣罐清洗系統是控制器以液晶屏的方式顯示溫度值、壓力值、清洗狀態、清洗時間、清洗次數,有加熱器、溫度傳感器、壓力傳感器對溫度、壓力進行實時采樣,兼備轉換壓力的作用,使用者可以根據自身特定的需要設置整個系統的各項操作規格及參數設置。這個控制系統總體包含了整個的采集、液晶顯示和系統運行部分,測量的限度較寬而且準確度高,適合于溫度、壓力等參數的測量以及控制各種閥的動作。VOC采樣罐清洗系統的優點是不僅可以節省人力,安全智能徹底的清洗采樣罐,而且還可以對采樣罐的溫度、壓力、狀態參數進行實時監測和采樣。本文設計的VOC采樣罐清洗系統是以STC單片機為控制核心,通過壓力、溫度傳感器對系統的溫度、壓力進行實時的進行監測,而且,把監測的數據在工業液晶顯示屏上實時展現出來,單片機控制電磁閥的開閉控制充、抽氣的過程,同時控制繼電器通斷以控制初級泵、高級泵及加熱裝置的工作情況。 還原 【Abstract】 In recent years, with the continuous development of industry, environmentalpollution problems have become increasingly prominent. VOCs (Volatile OrganicCompounds, hereinafter referred to as VOC) contamination is the second PM2.5, SO2,NOx and Freon become another focus of world attention.Our VOC monitoring and control in the study started late, the development time isshort, so the technology is relatively backward, the level is low, this product is a blank.Therefore, the development of products, improve and enhance the technology hasbecome a crucial aspect of it. VOC monitoring methods are generally fixed at home andabroad, are placed on the EPA VOC canister, schools, local environmental monitoring,conduct regular monitoring perennial, when the VOC gas canister filled, it is necessaryand timely for canister complete a thorough cleaning, so there VOC cleaning system isof great significance.VOC canister cleaning system controller displays the temperature, pressure, cleaningstate, the cleaning time, cleaning times, a heater, a temperature sensor, a pressuresensor for temperature, pressure sampling in real time, in function of a pressuretransmitter mode LCD users can set the system parameters themselves through the keyprogramming. The controller sets the measurement, display and control in one, highaccuracy, wide measurement range, suitable for temperature, pressure measurement andcontrol body movements. Advantages VOC canister cleaning system is not only saveslabor, Smart thorough cleaning canister and the canister may be temperature, pressure,status, real-time monitoring and sampling parameters.This design is based on VOC sampling tank cleaning system STC microcontrollercore, by the temperature, pressure sensors for temperature, pressure measurement, byindustrial LCD screen LCD for temperature, pressure display, microprocessor controlsolenoid valve to control the opening and closing charge, extraction process, while the control relay to control the primary pump off, working conditions and advanced pumpheating device. The system is not only reliable, but cost is also high. 還原